Contact Lenses and Cosmetics
Here are some tips to help you wear your contacts and your cosmetics safely and comfortably together:
- Put on soft contact lenses before applying makeup.
- Put on rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses after makeup is applied.
- Avoid lash-extending mascara, which has fibers that can irritate the eyes, and waterproof mascara, which cannot be easily removed with water and may stain soft contact lenses.
- Remove lenses before removing makeup.
- Choose an oil-free moisturizer.
- Don't use hand creams or lotions before handling contacts. They can leave a film on your lenses.
- Use hairspray before putting on your contacts. If you use hairspray while you are wearing your contacts, close your eyes during spraying and for a few seconds afterwards.
- Blink your eyes frequently while under a hair drier or blower to keep your eyes from getting too dry.
- Keep false eyelash cement, nail polish and remover, perfume and cologne away from the lenses. They can damage the plastic.
- Choose water-based, hypo-allergenic liquid foundations. Cream makeup may leave a film on your lenses.